configure iphone zoiper done

The Zoiper app is a softphone that you can use in your iPhone or Apple device to connect to your myPBX phone extension.

download help article in PDF Configuring Zoiper on an iPhone or Apple device

Warning regarding using your phone extension on a mobile device

We strongly suggest that you use your phone extension on a mobile device only in special cases and not on a daily basis since there are several drawbacks to consider:

  1. If you don’t open the App, you won’t get any calls
  2. If you block your mobile device like you normally do when you’re not using it, you’ll lose the connection to the myPBX business phone system and won’t receive any calls.
  3. Calls work great on 4G connection but on most 3G connections connection is lost frequently resulting in call drops and robotized voice. It’s always better to use it on a Wi-Fi network.
  4. Zoiper and other Softphone applications consume lots of battery since they require a permanent connection to the server.


How do I configure Zoiper on an iPhone

First login to myPBX Control panel and get your phone extension details by clicking on Settings -> Phone Extensions -> click on the desired phone extension and then on the Instructions tab.

configuring phone zoiper extension info

Install and Open Zoiper

Go to the App Store and install the Zoiper App, we suggest you connect your phone to a Wi-Fi Network.
When you open Zoiper, it will show you two messages saying that it cannot access the Camera and the Microphone.

zoiper iphone microphone denied

Enable the Mic and Camera access

Open your iPhone Settings and go to Privacy.

zoiper configuration iphone privacy

Now click on the microphone, search on the apps enable it for Zoiper.

  zoiper iphone microphone privacy             zoiper iphone microphone enable


Go back and click on the Camera and enable it for Zoiper, you don’t really need the camera for myPBX, but it’s annoying to get that message every time you open the App.

iphone zoiper camera privacy       configuring zoiper iphone camera enable

Configuring Zoiper on your IPhone

Now go back to the Zoiper APP and click on Settings.

zoiper iphone settings


Now click on Accounts, click the plus sign and then “Yes”, and next click Manual configuration.

iphone zoiper already have account          zoiper iphone manual configuration

Choose SIP account.
zoiper iphone sip account

In the next screen type the information of the phone extension as explained in this image:

zoiper iphone configuring


Once you’re done click on Register.
zoiper configure iphone register

You will see that it’s registering and then it will say “Registration Status: OK”
iphone zoiper configuration registration status ok

Now click on Accounts
config iphone zoiper exit sip account

Then on Settings, finally on the Dialpad
configure iphone zoiper exit settings

Now you’re ready to call.

configure iphone zoiper done

Each time you open Zoiper, it will connect to your myPBX phone extension.
